Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Going on vacation

I'm going to visit my in-laws this Thanksgiving. And what am I thinking about? My hair, of course. How are they going to react to it? Why am I so worried about what they will think of my hair? Do I care about what my family thinks about it? No, not anymore. Not for years. I know their attitudes about nappy hair that's not combed, and it's all water under the bridge. Do I care what my manager and coworkers think about it? No, actually. I'm out and proud at work, lol. I walk up in there, and my hair is not a concern of mine, and if they look at me funny, I don't notice. Do I care what the grocery checkout girl, daycare provider, and maintenance man think about it? Doesn't even cross my mind to care. Do I care what my husband thinks about it? Yes, I do, I want to feel sexy around him. Luckily he likes it. He'll grab a handful of hair from time to time (it feels good). So, if I don't care what anybody else thinks of my hair besides my husband, why do I have a problem with how my inlaws feel about it?


Anonymous said...

I think you have a tiny reason for concern. It's just a natural reflex but I think you will quickly get over it. Maybe you are concerned because these are your hubby's parents and not yours. It's probably easier to not be concerned about your own parents than his. I guess you may think it's a reflection of him but if he loves it, then so should they. Don't worry too much about it. Treat them in response to their thoughts how you do all those you listed in your entry. I wear my hair covered a lot. Mainly because it's how I can keep my hands out of my hair so much. But if that wasn't the case, I would wear mine out and proudly wear it. Some days I do but then, there goes them hands of mine. So don't worry, go, eat, laugh, talk and enjoy the holiday. Until next time.


aybee77 said...

Thanks for the encouragement Tam. Yeah, I do end up worrying too much, and it usually ends up being nothing major. I'll try not to think about it too much.

Also, I can't keep my hands out of my hair either. I am in my head A LOT. I don't really like having anything in or on my hair for too long or I'd wear headwraps too.