Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Do you know what today is?

It's my anniversary. My locks anniversary.

It's been a year. I made it, lol. I was one of those who started locks over and over again, and never made it past a few months. This time, however, my mind frame was different, and I was ready to make things work. Cutting or combing out my hair was not an option, so I had no other choice but to try to analyze my thoughts. Thus, this blog, of course. After the first few months, everything was so easy for me. And now it's still so easy. I just wash, condition, separate, and oil. I really don't style my hair. I thought I was going to do something for this occasion, but I really didn't feel like it. Anyway, I don't seem to have anything else to say, so here are a few pics.

Me being silly.


Anonymous said...

Hi There "Beautiful Smile" :)
Just wanted to drop a line...
I hope you are having a wonderful day! Your pics are nice, very nice!

Take Care~

Anonymous said...

happy b*day to your dreads. they are beautyFULL!
...a perfect example of freeforming :)

TamCM said...

Well, well, well. What do I say. First off, Happy birthday to your dreads. I have been checking everyday this week waiting for the blog. I love the idea of doing the months in review. You get a real sense of the patience it takes for one to have. I even didn't remember your hair in some of the stages it was in. Time sure does fly. You were strong and hung in there. I know it wasn't always easy for you my dear but you have weathered through the storm for lack of a better word. As always, your hair looks amazing and I am so happy you we were a day apart doing this here thang together. I am eagerly awaiting your next year already. Beautiful Angela, just beautiful. Oh and my fotki is locked this week. I will post my chronicle of montly pics next week. Congrats on making it to a year. It will be easy as cake from here on out.

aybee77 said...

@ queenli

Thanks for the compliments. I'm always amazed that people compliment my smile or teeth. I guess those braces as a teenager were worth it.

@ song4ochun

Thanks! :-) I've really enjoyed it the whole way. Freeforming is what I was meant to do with my hair.

aybee77 said...

@ Tam

Hey there girlie. Happy birthday to your dreads too! The song "Looks like we made it" is going through my head right now, for some reason, lol. I know you knew you were going to make it the whole time, but I wasn't sure that I would. You're right, it will be easier, and already is.

Yeah, it was cool looking at the old pics too, a little trip down memory lane.

But how dare you have a locked album now? Can you hear/see me pouting over here? Now I know how you were feeling last month, lol. I've been checking your site, and when I got the site blocked thingy for the past couple days, I was definitely wondering what was going on.

Just wanted to say thanks for your support. It was cool having someone going through the process with me. You don't know how much you helped me along the way. Looking forward to seeing your pics some day soon. I'm sure your hair looks wonderful.

Unknown said...

finally! girl i have been looking for updates for like a year now! lol congratulations!! i love the montage...excellent idea. please keep up the updates, cause there aren't many freeformers (with albums, at least) around. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

TamCM said...

Ok I tried to pay for my fotki today to have it unlocked and they are having issues with the page. Informed me to try again later. Ugh. So hopefully tomorrow it will be up and running. I'll let you know when I get it back with pics.

aybee77 said...

Woo hoo! Awating with bated breath.

aybee77 said...

@ fromq

Thanks, Q! I can't say I came up with the idea of a montage, I'm sure I've seen it somewhere else (not sure where, though).

Yes, I think I'll keep it up (although I'm not sure about the frequency). I was thinking about stopping, but lately I've been getting comments from you guys here, and several PMs on youtube that have encouraged me to keep on going. (LOL. I said PMS)

CarmenNC said...

Congratulations! I'm looking forward to following you for many, many more years.