Monday, April 04, 2005

I think I look like a boy

I feel very introspective, so I'm trying to figure out why I always get rid of my locks. Do I care what people at work think? Not particularly, actually. Do I care what my family says? Not anymore, if it doesn't agree with what I think. The only thing that matters is what I think of it. When I have an issue with it, it is usually because I don't think it's "pretty". I'm already insecure at times because sometimes I get mistaken for a guy (I'm hairy, I don't have long, straight hair). So I sometimes feel that my hair should be more fixed (as if that will solve those issues for me). Meaning more smooth or sleek, less frizz, longer. I think that is the issue with locks for me. Short or nappy, but for God's sakes not both at the same time. So what can I do to help with that? First of all, I need to realize what it is that makes me a girl (ovaries, XX sex chromosomes, etc.). Also, I need to develop my own style, that locks fits into. I do care about my appearance, and I should take the time to make it show. (google possible search terms: not a girly-girl, tomboy) Do things such as giving myself manicure, pedicure, wear cute clothes, including necklace and/or earrings and/or perfume. I want to make up a grooming / appearance regimen that I will follow. Think of things I need to do every day (moisturize, wash face) and every week (manicure, pedicure). Even though I am not a girly girl, I can make sure I don't look sloppy (which is how I look now). At any rate, I think I am getting slightly off subject. The point is that there are things I can do to combat that feeling. Also, I just need to look at my hair as a work-in-progress. Or like a science project. Just observe the changes, visualizing the end that I want.

Hey, do you know what? I think I understand why I've compared my hair to others all the time, and why I end up switching so much. It's a possibility that just occurred to me. I look at some people's hair, and how it goes in to their whole look. And they look like a woman, they look attractive, they have confidence, they are what I want to be. So I change my hair to look like theirs. And it doesn't make me feel any better about myself.


TamCM said...

So do I. I used to go around saying I looked like my father. I too am very hairy and I hate it. For years I would shave my chin and use clippers to cut my sideburns. My sideburns are long and thick just like yours. My chin looked horrible from razor bumps and was a dark color. I said I was going to fix this curse. I started laser hair removal for my chin and sideburns. I did all the sessions for my chin and mroe than 3 years later, I don't have to worry about he growth. Don't get me wrong, it comes back and mores so now since it's been over a year since my last session. My skin color went back to normal, the bumps no longer exist and I feel more confident. It was well worth my $$. It's coming back but nothing a little shaving doesn't fix. My sideburns I did 3 treatments and they held for a couple of years. They are coming in but very scarse and lightly. I just wax everything else. I go to a spa and have them wax from the waist down. I feel better about myself because I didn't like it. It had nothing to do with anyone else, I just despised looking like a boy. I have upper lip hair but it's fine and laser won't catch it. I may consider waxing it but I would do it myself rather than pay someone.

aybee77 said...

Oh my god! Okay, I'm going to have to email you when I have more time. I've been contemplating electrolysis or laser forever, but was scared thinking I would scar. Never saw anyone around my complexion get it. I'm 30, and I want this next year be the year of my comeback, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Your very beautiful. I am a guy, and I do mean it. Those locks just accentuate your natural beauty. Don't think I am for real, youtube me at africaever. Love the natural look.

aybee77 said...

You're so sweet. Thanks. :-)