Thursday, April 07, 2005

Focus ...

Today is not the best day. I look at other people's hair albums, and seriously covet their hair. I covet the cultivated locks. I covet the freeform locks. I don't see anyone's hair that looks like mine, though, and I feel inadequate. :-( I need to keep in mind why I want freeform locks. I don't want to have to play with my hair, period. That's the kind of girl I am. I don't want to spend hours on my hair to put in braids / cornrows, twists, or to retwist or latch locks. I don't want to go to someone else and have them do my hair. And I definitely don't want to comb an afro (for me, that gets tired after a week). Basically, I want long (or big), low maintenance hair. Which leads me to freeform locks. Remember that. And remember that it does and will continue to look good.

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