Saturday, July 05, 2008

So ... umm ... yeah

So, I've been complaining about my afro-locks for a little while (if not on this blog, in my head). So I decided to palm roll my whole head. For the first time since I started these locks. I'm trying to decide if I like it now. No more afro-lock, but it's quite flat to me. Time will tell. I guess I can't call myself a freeformer anymore. I do know that I don't plan to do something like this more than twice or so a year, cause twisting my whole head definitely kicked my butt. I am glad that I did it though, because going through my whole head like that let me know that I wasn't separating thoroughly. And I found several locks that were really smaller than I wanted them. And now I am really able to see how much of my hair is locked, and how much of my hair isn't. And now sometimes I really wish that I had started with twists or braids, because some of my lock sections really are irregular, I just found that out. But then again, I try to remember that I really don't like doing my hair but once in a blue moon.

It's crazy, I'm also feeling kinda guilty for twisting my hair. It's like, for me, freeforming is close to the ultimate in locking hair, and I took a step back by twisting it. Silly, I know. I've said before that I don't have anything against other methods of starting or maintaining, and I don't, but I guess that thought is still there in the back of my head. I mean, it's not like I was freeforming for religious reasons, or care nothing about how my hair looks.


Anonymous said...

You rock!

As for me, I just updated my blog, and don't care what anyone thinks, because it's my life! I was gonna wait until AUG. but I had to go ahead and update this month.

Your freeform locks look nice, very nice!

aybee77 said...


TamCM said...

Angela the good thing is you are not bond by law to not twist :-) You can do what you like to your hair. For me, I tried palmrolling one single dread and hated the look of it and it was limp. I have always had thick hair so the full look for me is my only choice of look. But I know exactly what you mean about the guilty feeling and I only did one. I felt guilty for even thinking of wanting it twisted. Then I brushed it off and said, "well I was just curious". So twist on sister if that's your choice.

aybee77 said...


Yeah, I know. Glad to see that you know what I mean about feeling guilty. Like I said in the blog (I think), I definitely don't plan to do it every 2-3 months, that would definitely drive me crazy. I don't want that much maintenance. And I'm definitely not worrying about it coming aloose. It's crazy, though, but why does it really look and feel more "locked" to me now that I've twisted?

Anonymous said...

Hey Angela!

Thought I'd check in.

I freeformed for about 6 months. Then, I got it twisted. Unfortunately, I hated it and washed it out the very next day!

Now, I only twist a few in the front. I freeform the back.

NOONE can make me feel guilty for what I do with MY hair. I love my dreads, and that is really all that matters when I go to sleep at night.

Ultimately, whatever you decide to do is YOUR decision. We spend TOO much emphasis on what we think time defending ourselves and our actions, when we need to just BE.

Are you happy with your hair? That's really all that matters.

I am a Christian. And as long as I what I do doesn't cause me to displease God, it's all good!

Take care of yourself,

aybee77 said...

Hi Mechelle! I remember you commenting on a post of mine sometime back. Glad to here you're still around and locking. :-)

Yeah, actually I did end up washing mine out also. I didn't care for it either.

Thanks for your comments. I did come to terms with what I did, and no longer feel guilty. I was also able to accept the compliments from others in those few days after I twisted also without feeling pissed, lol

Anonymous said...


You are MORE BOLD, than others! You should not beat yourself up just because you switched a method.
{after all, you saw my *Updates* ;)
and in the end.... It is your hair, and your life! 100% NOT GUILTY!!!

aybee77 said...

queenli, your post made me smile. I feel better now about what I did.

Locs2Envy said...


I absolutely loved your answer regarding the taste of pennies...LMAO...really cute, especially the part about your mom.