Don't really care for that tan color.
I have a few scarves I have that I may wear also.
Rockin' My Locks
It's cool to me watching them develop. That second pic may look like unlocked hair, but the bottom 1/2 of that one definitely feels different than the top unlocked portion. I also took a few pictures of my hair wet after being shampooed. I think it's easier to tell that my hair is locking when it's not completely dry.
After I shampoo my hair, I separate it. Here is how my hair looks before it's separated.
I feel kind of torn about separating the hair. It really feels like I am stressing it too much. Sometimes I feel that if my hair were shorter, or I were separating into larger sections it would be easier. I feel like it's taking too long to separate the hair. Looking at that last picture, I can see why sometimes it seems crazy, like I don't even know where to start. I didn't have this problem previous times I tried to lock my hair via freeform. I just waited for buds to form, and separated from there. This time, I am trying to separate the coils in my hair, and it's not always easy.
Also, I can't really imagine myself with long thin locks, I think that larger locks would look better long. But with short hair, I imagine that smaller locks would look better. I don't know, I'm confusing myself again. Maybe I can just separate once a week instead of every time I wash my hair. It seems like I am focusing too much on my hair, when in locking my hair, my goal was the opposite, to not give too much attention to it. I don't know why I always do this -- find something wrong with my hair. Dammit, girl, it's not rocket science. Whatever you do to your hair, if you don't comb it, it will lock. You know that, now live it.